about mee

inquire about my life and all it entails...

my name is lily! my screen name is wiwy, pronounced like lily but with W's

i was born in january 2001 (yes, i zoomer) in wuhan, china. i was adopted in 2002 and lived in the midwest for a few years before moving to cali.

i started using a computer as early as possible, probably around 5 or 6 years old? i played a lot of club penguin and educational flash games! i remember a time when i wanted to learn how to make a web browser in visual studio basic, and made one just so i could play club penguin LOL. i also was ispired by these flash games to make my own website, but i didn't know how :(

i got into pokemon platinum around 2008 and from there got into the pokemon spriting community (now called pokemon fusions). that was my first big foray into "social media", like deviantArt and youtube. the aquablade chronicles were literally the biggest thing ever, and i was lucky enough to be around when new episodes were coming out in 2009. this series spawned a TON of copycat sprite series, including many of my own.